
1 Timothy 3:1-7, et. al. "A Charge to Church Leaders"

Here are the passages listed with brief reasoning for their importance to church leadership:


1 Timothy 3:1-7 - Qualifications for overseers: Provides detailed criteria for church leaders, emphasizing moral integrity, teaching ability, and effective management of one's household.


1 Peter 5:1-4 - Shepherding with a good example: Encourages leaders to shepherd the flock eagerly and by example, rather than for personal gain or power.


Acts 20:28 - Guarding the flock: Highlights the responsibility of leaders to watch over the church and protect it, as it was purchased by Christ’s blood.


Matthew 20:25-28 - Servant leadership: Teaches that true leadership involves serving others selflessly, following Christ's example of humility and sacrifice.


Hebrews 13:17 - Obedience and accountability: Urges believers to obey and submit to their leaders, who must account for their souls, promoting trust and proper leadership oversight.


John 10:11-15 - Christ the Good Shepherd: Illustrates the sacrificial nature of leadership, with Christ laying down His life for the sheep as a model for leaders.


1 Peter 5:9-11 - Endurance through suffering: Encourages leaders to stand firm in their faith through trials, with the promise of restoration and strengthening from God.


1 Peter 5:9 - Resisting the devil: Urges leaders to resist spiritual opposition with steadfast faith, knowing others share in their suffering, reinforcing perseverance.


Hebrews 12:18 - Comparison of covenants: Highlights the contrast between the old covenant’s fearfulness and the new covenant’s grace, underscoring the nature of the leadership under the new covenant.