Who We Are
Who We Are
We are a Christ-Centered Church with the goal of being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. The Bible calls the Church the Body of Christ. That is a big calling and one that involves so much more than just meeting together on a Sunday. We at Carlton Oaks Baptist will be hosting a number of service activities, mission opportunities, and outreach encounters, designed to live up to this great calling on the church.
We join each other weekly to worship God and to receive from him the blessings of Grace from His Word.
• Worship Service starts at 10:30am
Our services include the reading of Scripture, music from across the spectrum of older hymns and and more contemporary praise choruses, 35-40 minutes of Biblical teaching, and prayer.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Classes meet at 9:00 to 10:00am
• Adults meet in the Fellowship Hall
• Kids 1st through 6th grade meet in the Kids classroom
For directions to any of these rooms, please ask any of our greeters and they will be happy to help you get where you need to be.
Nursery, ages 3 months to 4 years
Care for your littlest one is provided for Sunday School, 9:00am to 10:00am and during the main service, 10:30am to ~12:00pm.
The nursery team is trained to serve your little one and background checks are performed for all our child care team.
Family Training Room
Available 10:30-12:00 for families with nursing babies and or young children. As an optional resource set up in the back of the sanctuary, we have a quiet place for Mom and baby, or a “movement” break with your little one. Please enjoy this living room setting that televises the service so you don’t miss God’s word and you and your child can feel at ease.
Dress casually. Feel comfortable. We’re thrilled you’re joining us as our guest and want you more focused on the One you’re worshiping rather than what you’re wearing.
You’ll find plenty of parking spots in front of the church building.
If you are new, we have a place for you!
Our church is a community where new people can find a place to serve and belong. We deeply desire to reach our community and our neighbors, people just like you, and ask them to join us on the journey that our Lord Jesus has called us to share in.
What is your passion? Where is your calling? Let us know and we will find a place for you to live out that God-given desire right here at Carlton Oaks Baptist. Maybe you don’t know your calling yet. That’s ok. Come visit with us and we can help you discover your true purpose.
Our Mission
We are a united body of believers in Jesus Christ who exist to bring honor and glory to God.
We do this through corporate and private worship, by growing together in Christ, and by serving others through evangelism, missions and loving deeds.
In order to remain true to our Lord and His word, this church must be marked by preaching the whole counsel of God, administering baptism and the Lord’s Supper, loving one another, and practicing formative and corrective discipline.
After graduating from the United States Naval Academy, Craig served our country for 20 years in the United States Marine Corps, and in 2012 he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. Believing that God was calling him into full-time ministry, Craig then attended The Master's Seminary and received a Master of Divinity in 2016. In 2017 he was called to be the pastor of Carlton Oaks. He has been married to Janet for over 25 years and has two sons. Craig seeks to know God and His Word and to teach it to others. He works to shepherd the flock of God and build it up in truth and love. Email: [email protected]
Having grown up at Carlton Oaks Baptist and believing that God has called him into ministry Bill now gladly serves as an Elder. He teaches the elementary students on Sunday mornings and enjoys singing in the choir. He has been married to his wife Sandee, who leads the music for Carlton Oaks, for over 30 years and has two daughters. Bill works full-time at a family entertainment center in the east county. Bill loves the opportunities that he has to pray for others and encouraging them in their daily walk with the Lord. Email: [email protected]
Staff & Volunteers
BETH DOMINGUEZ - Administrative Assistant
JANET BRENT - Children's Ministries
Deacons and Deaconesses
JANET BARNETT - Women's Ministries
DAVE BROCK - Technology and Media
JIM JARCKI - Facilities
"We proclaim Him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present
everyone mature in Christ . "