Welcome to Carlton Oaks

What We Teach

Doctrinal Statement Introduction


Carlton Oaks Baptist Church firmly holds the Bible as our primary authoritative, infallible, and inerrant source for all matters of faith and practice. We affirm the Baptist Faith and Message, 2000 as our doctrinal statement, underscoring its importance in guiding our beliefs and practices. Additionally, we find great value in doctrinal statements such as the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy and the Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel for clarity and unity in our faith.


Additionally, we acknowledge the significance of historical creeds and confessions, including the Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, Chalcedonian Definition, and the London Baptist Confession, among others. These documents connect us to the rich heritage of Christian orthodoxy and guide us in our theological commitments.



Baptist Faith and Message, 2000

The Scriptures
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
God's Purpose of Grace
The Church
Baptism & the Lord's Supper
The Lord's Day
The Kingdom
Last Things
Evangelism & Missions
The Christian & the Social Order
Peace & War
Religious Liberty
The Family

Other Statements, Creeds, and Confessions


Creeds were never formulated to invent fundamental doctrines, but rather to defend them. They stand as declarations against false teachings, affirming established truths. As time passed, new challenges necessitated more detailed affirmations, resulting in the evolution of church creeds and Christian confessions towards greater complexity.

For instance, modern confessions and statements, such as those found in contemporary Christian theology, often present expansive and nuanced expressions of fundamental doctrine. Conversely, ancient statements of Christian belief, like the Apostles’ Creed, are typically simpler and more narrowly focused in their scope. These historical documents, alongside our foundational commitment to Scripture, guide us in upholding doctrinal clarity and fidelity.



The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy


The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel (or the Dallas Statement) 


Apostles’ Creed


Nicene Creed


Chalcedonian Creed


London Baptist Confession



If you have any questions about becoming a Christian or need guidance on living the Christian life, please reach out to us.


Last modified on June 29, 2024